You can also type it into CMD, the same thing will happen.
Also, here is what I KNOW in Command Prompt (I will not elaborate on each command I know, for example, the different subcommands inside a command, because then I'd have like 100 different commands listed):
title (title here) - Changes the name of the Command Prompt window.
prompt (prompt here) - Changes the Prompt (the thing before whatever you type)
tree - Lists the directories in Windows and stuff.
ipconfig - Lists your IP details, DNS servers, Gateways, Subnet Masks, etc.
telnet - Opens Windows Telnet inside CMD (which can be used to contact other computers or servers. Realtime roleplays can be played through CMD using this)
cls - Clears the Command Prompt.
net user - Allows you to see a list of all users on your system, allows you to change their passwords, account types, delete users, create users, etc.
net localgroup - Lists all account group types on your system, allows you to create/delete groups, etc.
net accounts - Allows you to state whether accounts are automatically logged off, allows you to set minimum and maximum password limits on your computer, lockout users, etc.
net computer - Add or remove a computer from your network.
net send - Sends a message to every computer on the network.
time - Allows you to set the time.
ver - Displays your current Windows version.
replace - Allows you to replace files (LOLHACKING).
rd - Removes a directory and stuff.
ren - Renames files.
print - Prints a file.
move - Moves files.
help - Displays heaps of commands.
md Creates directory.
find - Finds a file inside a directory.
echo (word here) - Repeats whatever words you just said.
cd - Tells you the current directory you are in.
erase - Deletes files.
date - Sets the date.
doskey - Changes macros and stuff. I don't get it.
color - (Ergh, American) Changes CMD text and background coloUr.
at - Tells the computer to run different programs.
exit - Turns it off
Btw, for those that don't know how to use CMD, go into Start -> Run. Then type 'cmd' in the box and press enter.
*Moves to Fan Discussion*