Anyway, who cares about those games, there are better ones, Such as:
10. Counter-strike source... Yeah yeah, I know it too, counter-strike is a pathetic excuse for an online shooter.
Though, it did do it's bit to redefine the shooter genre and made millions in the process. Though I play it rarely, it's comforting to know, there is still an online chat, that has a gaming side thing, better then Uno...
9. Mercenaries 1... Though for the Ps2 and original xbox, the games graphics and realism, packed quite a punch, not known to those consoles, but they truly needed them. An open world, sort of like Oblivion, but less open ended, meh, what are you going to do?
8. Halo 1 Combat evolved... Not my type of game, but this microsoft experiment, for the original xbox and Pc redifined sci fi shooting and gave us the chance to finally, Be some guy in a suit, have him kick some arse, and never tell us who it is.
7. Team Fortress two... Though completely different to the first in the series, it was a change, people were willing to accept, and Love.
6. Bioshock... This epic underwater horror shooter, added more to shooter games, you'd not just be filling mutalated people gone crazy with genetically modifyed bodies, you'd be filling 'em with lightning, Ice, Fire, Clyclonic traps, and what the hell, bees. Step into the underwater shooter, know as Bioshock, WARNING, NOT FOR THE FAINT OF HEART.
5.Battlefield 2... This game for the Pc, was the King of online shooting, and even years later, People are still playing it, and it is Now, the most played online game, ever.... It is only Riveled by the 3rd in the halo trilogy, and the 4th in the Call of duty series. I am lining up for my copy.
4. Final Fantasy Series... Yeah I know, they are meant to be single games, but... In my opinion, the final fantacy series, is the best, turn based combat related game out there, for those, who have mindless hate towards it, stop now, try it out...
3rd. Elder scrolls three, Morrowwind... Yes, this game was the game before Oblivion. Though not as big, and there was some minor combat bugs, but the game was better then Oblivion in terms of, addictiveness and Playability, the game pulled you in, and didn't stop until everything is dead, and every quest is completed.
2nd. Call of Duty 4, Modern warfare... Now, This game has carried more pointless contriversy then any other, The game is stunning, Graphically, and Emotionally. With the game bringing you in, and unfortunately, stops a little to early. With the game ending with some things happening, and with not everyone getting out alive, will bring tears, for those, who do, get emotional with things, and if there is a game to get emotional about, then this is that game...
But that is only the campaign, The multiplayer, is Awesome, to use that word, With creative classes, endless game potential and Perks, lets not forget Perks... ( I won't ruin anything for you )
When I got this, I played it and finished it, I loved it, 10/10.
1st... Half life 2... As the successor to the most popular shooter for the pc and xbox and vast other consoles, The game was at high expectations, and let me tell you, it met all of them.
The game is the best of it's kind, riveled still by nothing, though it came out in 2005.